Memory capsule #17: L’orangeraie
In this latest capsule, Si Chants Libres m'était conté takes a look behind the scenes of L'orangeraie, composed by Zad ...

Memory capsule #16 : The Trials of Patricia Isasa
Si Chants Libres m'était conté plunges you into this deeply moving opera, where the emotion of the subject matter was ...

Memory capsule #15: Le rêve de Grégoire
In this new episode of Si Chants Libres m'était conté, the protagonists of Le Rêve de Grégoire look back on ...

Memory capsule #14: Alexandra, Road Opera
Si Chants Libres m’était conté invites you to (re)discover Alexandra, a road opera that follows in the footsteps of the ...

Memory capsule #13: Enchanted Opera
This new episode of Si Chants Libres m'était conté revisits this poetic work, described as "a landmark event in the ...

Memory capsule #12: Alternate Visions, Augmented Opera
Si Chants Libres m’était conté takes a look back at an opera that was to prove groundbreaking in terms of ...

Memory capsule #11: L’archange, Oper’installation
With L'archange, Chants Libres took up the ambitious challenge of putting evil on trial. Louis Dufort's audio material and Alexis ...

Memory capsule #10: Pacamambo, l’opéra
The encounter between Zack Settel's refined score, Wajdi Mouawad's touching text and Claude Poissant's subtle staging offers us a moment ...

Memory capsule #9: Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse
Our Si Chants Libres m’était conté revisits this opera, in which José Evangelista’s art of monody was challenged by the ...

Memory capsule #8: L’Enfant des glaces
Our Si Chants Libres m'était conté series returns to the early 2000s in this metaphorical electr'opera. Pauline Vaillancourt and Jean ...