Webcast January 21-24, 2021, Prélude à l’opéra charmed numerous critics and sparked many positive reactions from the public.

The audience will discover scenes of crushing violence, moments of troubling beauty, and passages ripe with evocative atmospheres.
– Éric Champagne, Le Prélude à l’opéra : bien plus qu’un hors-d’œuvre, L’Opéra • Site québécois d’art lyrique.

Pauline Vaillancourt’s made a gamble, using absence as the creative spark to allow the public to experience creation in spite of everything, and it succeeded […] The technical means are well-implemented, with wonderful editing work, spot-on framing, and impeccable lighting.
– Christophe Huss, « Prélude à l’opéra » : un judicieux compromis, Le Devoir

The emptiness of the stage, amplified by rough, dark walls, represents a war zone that Ricard paces barefoot, responding to the voices, arranging props, playing with the ghosts that he can almost touch. This Prélude offers a glimpse towards a solid production.
– Alain-Martin Richard, Prélude à l’opéra : Le promesses de L’orangeraie, Revue JEU